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COVID-19 Update

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and following the guidelines set forth by government officials, the decision has been made to temporarily suspend all West End Baptist Church worship services, activities, ministries and events beginning Sunday morning, March 22nd. We will be monitoring this situation closely and will be following the advice of the Southern Baptist Association and our government officials. While this is a hard decision to make, social distancing has proven effective at slowing the spread of this virus.

Our deacons will be leading the church’s effort to ensure that our more vulnerable and home-bound among us have what they need during the coming weeks. Please feel free to reach out to Pastor Tim or any of our deacons if any needs arise or if you hear of any hospitalizations or illnesses among our members. While we may not be meeting in person for the time being, we are absolutely still here for each other and will continue serving God and loving our neighbors.

Pastor Tim and some members of our church will be recording the service to share with our members and community. The website and Facebook page will be updated with details about when these recordings are going to be available. They will be uploaded to the website and Facebook page. There will also be alternative methods of distribution (CD's, DVD's or MP3) to members without access to the online or mobile versions.

We are encouraging our members to continue tithing as you normally would, either through on the website or by mailing your check to Mrs. Celia. We will monitor and adjust to the situation as we are called, keeping the health and safety of our church family a priority.

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